Zanutto.it is not liable for any damage or loss, direct and/or indirect, arising from the sale of goods and services offered in the catalogue published on the sitewww.https://zanutto.it/gb/, even for delayed and/or non-delivery of the product, nor for correspondence of the goods to the specifications published on the site, nor for any other fact not directly attributable to theZanutto Mauro.
Technical Information
The technical information included on the websitewww.https://zanutto.it/gb/, are taken from the information published by the manufacturers of the goods included in our catalogue.www.https://zanutto.it/gb/, therefore, it reserves the right to modify/adapt the technical and dimensional information of the products in the catalogue, according to what will be communicated by the manufacturers, even without any prior notice.The steel products are made of hypoallergenic 316L steel, any gold inserts are 750/1000 title, the synthetic stones are rhinestones or cubic zirconia, the diamonds are natural and brilliant-cut weighing 0.01/0.015 carat.
Product Availability
In the product catalogue published onwww.https://zanutto.it/gb/, since access and the possibility of placing an order online change the availability of the product in real time,Zanutto MauroDoes not guarantee the certainty of allocation of the goods ordered.
Risk and Property
The goods are shipped carriage paid, insured and charged on the invoice; in the event that the goods are shipped carriage paid, at the customer's instruction, the risk shall be borne by the customer from the time of delivery of the goods to the carrier from its warehouses. Upon delivery of the goods, the customer must check the integrity of the packages and the correspondence in quantity and quality with what is indicated in the accompanying document (Delivery Note or Invoice). In the event of discrepancies, the same shall be reported on the same accompanying document and confirmed, within seven days by fax followed by registered mail a.r., aZanutto Mauro Via Vesalio, 20 - 09134 Cagliari (CA). Even if the packaging is intact, the goods must be checked within seven days of receipt. Any hidden defects must be reported in writing by fax or registered mail a.r.. Any statements made after the aforementioned deadlines shall be disregarded. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what is declared.
Orders are accepted only and exclusively in writing, or by fax, or via the Internet (online). The customer who sends the order via the Internet will receive, at the end of the procedure, a communication confirming that the order has been placed, or by electronic mail (E-mail), with an indication of the relevant order number; in the event that, after the order has been sent, the order number does not appear (after a few minutes), the proposal shall be deemed as not accepted, for all legal purposes, even if for accounting, administrative or product shortage reasons.
All prices in the relevant column on the site are intended as pricesVAT not included. Prices may be changed at any time without prior notice.
Goods supplied shall be paid for by PayPal, Postal Cash on Delivery, Bank Transfer in Advance or Credit Card.
Unless other conditions are agreed upon in writing with the company Zanutto Mauro Via Vesalio, 20 - 09134 Cagliari (CA).